游戏类型: 体育 | 测试日期: |
收费状态: | 运 营 商: ELECTRONIC ARTS |
游戏特征: 沙盒 | 游戏官网: 点击进入 |
游戏地区: | 游戏专区: |
游戏画面: |
Skate 3 features an all-new co-op mode where teammates can complete challenges together while advancing each other’s careers. From rewarding epic bails and fails with a beefed up Hall of Meat mode to honing your craft with the all-new skate.School, players of all skill levels have multiple ways to “kill it” in the game. The franchise also continues to raise the bar for user created content with the skate.Create feature suite, an innovative toolset that empowers gamers to truly express their skate style by creating their own graphics, videos, and skate parks.