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1943 Berlin Blitz

1943 Berlin Blitz
游戏类型:  测试日期: 
收费状态:  运 营 商: BBC Media Applications Technologies Limited
游戏特征: 历史 游戏官网: 点击进入
游戏地区:  游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1026055.html
游戏画面: 3D  
游戏专区    1943 Berlin Blitz-游戏简介
In September 1943, a BBC reporter boarded a plane on an allied bombing raid over Berlin. The incredible recording he returned with forms the basis of this breathtaking experience by BBC Northern Ireland and Immersive VR Education, putting you inside a Lancaster bomber as it navigates a most dangerous journey.

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