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Automobiels and the Eisenhower Hiway System the Game

Automobiels and the Eisenhower Hiway System the Game
游戏类型: 冒险 测试日期: 
收费状态:  运 营 商: Jeffrey Marsh
游戏特征: 文字 游戏官网: 点击进入
游戏地区:  游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1025891.html
游戏专区    Automobiels and the Eisenhower Hiway System the Game-游戏简介
The year is 1955 and you are a farmer living in Iowa in this text based game. The goal is to get to new york so you can make extra profits on your grain, but traversing the Eisenhower hiway system can prove to be difficult as many challenges await you on the road so good luck to all, and thank god for automobiles and the eisenhower highway system.

Automobiels and the Eisenhower Hiway System the Game-客户端下载

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