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Kitty Play

Kitty Play
游戏类型: 冒险 测试日期: 
收费状态:  运 营 商: Cats Who Play
游戏特征: 冒险 游戏官网: 点击进入
游戏地区:  游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1025656.html
游戏专区    Kitty Play-游戏简介

Who said being a kitten would be easy?
Sure, the owners feed you and the bowl is full of water! But growing up is so hard!
After all, in order to grow tall and strong, you'll have to develop your skills by playing learning games, and sometimes you just want to mess around.
You can't mess around, though, because it's very important that the family you live in loves you, and that's a tall order!
Porfirio must develop, and with each level of development, he'll learn to run faster, jump higher and get access to new games that let him grow even further!
Porfirio must not fall from grace, and for that, he'll have to avoid making a mess during his games - no breaking vases, no throwing the little one's favourite toys around and, of course, always using the litter box instead of anything else!
If Porfirio behaves himself well, his family will love him even more and gift him various things, ranging from cat houses to improved litter boxes that let you skip washing afterwards!
Numerous tasks await Porfirio - from a simple ball game and a scavenger hunt for hidden delicacies to repelling a mouse invasion and a battle with the neighbours' bull-terrier.
In little Porfirio's day-to-day activities he will be helped out by the mischievous parrot Steven, the kind old street cat Murz and the smart white rat that lives in the walls.

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