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Cereal Soup

Cereal Soup
游戏类型: 角色扮演 测试日期: 
收费状态:  运 营 商: Wild Arts LLC
游戏特征: 在线多人 游戏官网: 点击进入
游戏地区:  游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1019677.html
游戏画面: 3D  
游戏专区    Cereal Soup-游戏简介
Cereal Soup is an MMO-style animal roleplaying game set in the dangerous and strange world of Primordial. Take the role of a completely unique character that grows as you do. Join a tribe, become skilled, make new friends, and change the world; together, for you are never alone.Welcome to Cereal Soup! This project started all on it's own at the end of 2013, and was released the next year to the public in early Alpha. The game was made to fill a hole in the animal gaming community, and thanks to the amazingly talented people of this community CS has continued to grow and improve. Primordial is a world where creatures reign, Gods control all, and banding together to form powerful tribes is only one way to survive.Features Play as a mongoose (Suricate), wolf (Canis) and lion (Felis). With more species to come! Customize your character down to it's claws! No two characters will ever be the same! Discover many different types of prey! Kill them or befriend them! The choice is yours! Use your nose to explore the world! Watch the world change in real time, prey appearing and disappearing at night, and the affecting weather changing each day. Meet strange and unique NPC's Participate in events that affect the world!Reviews"A great game for animal lovers!" -Krispy"...That's one of CS's strongest points right now, this game has an overwhelmingly amazing community..." -Dragonfilms"Simply put, this game is amazing for being so early in development. It already has a sprouting community (Which I have found to be one of the best parts of the game), functional website, and good graphics for its stage. Perhaps, though, there is room for effects of this game's lore. Players don't particularly see many effects of the lore-based characters in-game, but perhaps this is just coming. If that is the case, then I can't wait to see what the developers will do with it!" -Lisa570"Cereal Soup is a very great MMORPG game. You can play, explore and chat with others! It's a creative game, you can create characters, what colored you'd like! <3 Lots and lots of adventures are here" -Kind Vampire Wolfen"A fun place to make friends and start ideas, I ended up with an over 100-page story from just farting around with gameplay and my unexplainable imagination." - DearBlackenedWolfWant to follow the progress?Our forums are the place to be! We post contests, updates, news and more! Chat with your fellow Primordians about the game, participate in sharing your ideas, show off your best screenshots, and find some new friends!Do you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns? Tell us about it! Most of CS is made thanks to great users like you letting us know what they think! We strive every update to excite and listen to our user's feedback. We hope to hear from you!

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