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游戏类型: 策略 测试日期: 
收费状态:  运 营 商: Persera Software Inc.
游戏特征: 单人 游戏官网: 点击进入
游戏地区:  游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1019625.html
游戏画面: 2D  
游戏专区    Prosperity-游戏简介
Prosperity is a city-building resource management game. Unlock more buildings, jobs, technology, and game mechanics as you progress. Use your resources wisely, strike balance between investing and conserving. Make and maintain relationships with other towns and factions to gain access to resources you may not have locally.Awesomeness is the key measure of you as a ruler. Awesomeness is influenced by an increasing number of factors as you progress through the game. Having positive awesomeness attracts workers to your village, having negative awesomeness pushes people away, potentially leading to the breakdown of your society.Put your workers to work in different buildings which grow, produce, or refine materials. Over time you'll get a sense of which resources are renewable and which are not. Being able to balance progress and growing demand with the availability of resources will be crucial to your success as a ruler.Upgrade your buildings, learn new techs, find new trading allies, improve your city, bring Prosperity to your village.


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