游戏类型: 休闲竞技 | 测试日期: |
收费状态: | 运 营 商: 任天堂 |
游戏特征: 写实 | 游戏官网: 点击进入 |
游戏地区: | 游戏专区: |
游戏画面: 2.5D |
The most entertaining Pinball is back!
Enjoy Jurassic Pinball, a perfect reproduction of a real pinball machine, with all the graphic details and sounds.Discover all the secrets, complete all the missions and become number 1 in the world or the best among your Friends, posting your high score on the online leaderboard.Arcade design.Set in the Jurassic age.Multiball, Extraball, Skillshot, Jackpots...Reproduction with all the details, lights and sounds.4 different cameras to choose from.Online Leaderboard.