游戏类型: 策略 | 测试日期: |
收费状态: | 运 营 商: ELECTRONIC ARTS |
游戏特征: 单人 | 游戏官网: 点击进入 |
游戏地区: 其他 | 游戏专区: |
游戏画面: 2.5D |
红色警戒3:*特点是四个新的迷你战役,让玩家更深入地了解苏联,盟军,朝阳帝国的故事情节,以及围绕每个人最喜爱的灵能日本女生突击队Yuriko欧米茄。在“红色警戒3”之后,苏联仍处于瘫痪状态。旭日帝国正在拼命试图夺回荣誉和身份,看似胜利的盟国在自己的队伍中陷入腐败和欺骗之中。 How will the defeated Soviets react to the occupation and the presence of FutureTech, the mysterious company contracted by the Allies to develop new technologies in the Soviets’ homeland? How will the humiliated Empire of the Rising Sun rise up and defend itself against the former Soviet commanders who have invaded their territory in a post-war land grab? How will the Allied occupational forces quash the uprising of the former Imperial commanders? And who is the mysterious Japanese commando Yuriko Omega? Four New Mini-Campaigns – Battle your way through four all-new mini-campaigns featuring classic fast, furious, and fun C&C action. New stories and missions will cover all three factions, plus experience an entirely new, dungeon crawler campaign centered on the Empire’s commando, Yuriko Omega. Find out what the dubious tech company FutureTech is producing in their secret research facility, how the Soviets and the Empire deal with their inferior situation and witness Yuriko Omega’s rise from captive to deadly assassin Challenge the Best! – How will you fight gigantic parachuting war bears, falling satellites, or an entire army of Yurikos? Can you beat the par time in each challenge? The new Commander’s Challenge mode puts you right in the action of 50 grueling challenges against 9 commanders from different territories and factions. Gamers skilled enough to make it through the daunting gauntlet will gradually unlock new units and find tougher opponents in a true test of RTS skills The Largest Cast in the History of Video Games Gets Bigger and Better – Command & Conquer’s trademark live-action videos return with stunning HD cinematics telling the deep story of Uprising. Fan favorites like Gemma Atkinson and Ivana Milicevic will make their return to Red Alert, alongside Malcolm McDowell, wrestling legend Ric Flair, Jamie Chung, Holly Valance, Julia Ling and many more! New, Over-the-Top Units – Uprising brings you 11 new over-the-top units in true Red Alert fashion. Use the agile Archer Maidens with their dangerous energy arrows, the fully amphibious Grinder that will crush everything in its path or the giant Giga-Fortress, a flying cyborg head s bigger than any other unit you have seen in Red Alert. Freeze your enemies with the Cryo Legionnaire or poison them with the radioactive liquid of the Desolator Trooper