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游戏类型: 策略 测试日期: 
收费状态:  运 营 商: FunnyNetWork
游戏特征: 多人 游戏官网: 点击进入
游戏地区:  游戏专区: http://newgame.17173.com/game-info-1014006.html
游戏画面: 2D  
游戏专区    小朋友齐打交-游戏简介

《Little fight》 is a magic theme, heroes battle, heavy athletics, turn-based SLG game. Proficient in the technical, strategic requirements, followed by competitive game skills design, strategy skills diversification: can be forced, dizziness, treatment, crawling, combat range, stealth, clear skills and so on.   Strategy is also changing, different heroes with different skills, and walk to support a variety of play. The late game can be played 15 heroes, allowing players to experience the excitement of the army led the battle.  Arena approach fast, free fighting time, strong competitive, strategic, store items to increase the strategic needs, so that players experience the fun of thinking.The battle is divided into pre-, medium, late, three periods, through the promotion of grade, earn money, buy equipment and kill the enemy hero and other means to reach victory. 《小朋友齐打交》是一个神奇的主题,英雄战斗,重竞技,回合制SLG游戏。 精通技术,战略要求,其次是竞技游戏技能设计,策略技能多样化:可强迫,头晕,治疗,爬行,作战范围,隐身,技能清晰等等。 战略也在发生变化,不同的英雄具有不同的技能,并走路以支持各种游戏。 迟到的比赛可以打出15个英雄,让玩家体验领导这场战斗的激情。 竞技场方式快速,战斗时间自由,竞争力强,战略性强,存储物品增加战略需求,让玩家体验到思考的乐趣。战斗分为前期,中期,后期三个阶段,通过晋级 ,赚钱,购买装备并杀死敌方英雄等手段取得胜利。


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