游戏类型: 冒险 | 测试日期: |
收费状态: | 运 营 商: CAPCOM |
游戏特征: 冒险 | 游戏官网: 点击进入 |
游戏地区: | 游戏专区: |
游戏画面: 3D |
游戏介绍 在《僵尸围城2》(Dead Rising 2)中玩家扮演新闻记者Frank,在一个到处都是丧尸的城市中用生命为赌注换取新闻线索。本作最大的特色就是同屏会出现上千个丧尸,并且绝对不会有任何画面拖慢,这些丧尸的细节刻画也是非常逼真。为了增强真实感,游戏中有一些时候会采用Frank手中持有的照相机的镜头呈现,画面采用昏黄的旧照片的感觉,更加深了血腥恐怖的感觉。由于丧尸数量极其庞大,玩家一定要善于利用环境,环境中的所有物体几乎都可以用来当作武器。 《僵尸围城》讲述了发生在Willamette小镇的僵尸事件,不幸的是病毒并没有被清除,反而迅速蔓延遍布了整个美国,于是就有了续集《僵尸围城2》。《丧尸围城2》的背景设定在原作数年之后,不过事件发生地转移到了赌城“Fortune City”(拉斯维加斯的翻版),那里蜂拥着成千上万的僵尸,能给玩家带来足够恐怖的刺激和杀戮的乐趣。 据悉,《僵尸围城2》场景将比前作要扩大许多,场景将变得唯美化,地点估计在拉斯维加斯,游戏内容大致是主角被困在4-5个赌场 饭店 大量商店的区域,本作将支持多人游戏,至少4人连线。 The sequel to the million-plus selling Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2 takes the zombie survival horror to Fortune City, America’s latest and greatest entertainment playground. Featuring a new story, two online multiplayer modes (2-player co-op campaign and a 4-player “TV show” themed Pay-Per-View event that pits humans against zombies), thousands of on-screen zombies and more, Dead Rising 2 takes zombie survival horror to a whole new level.As Chuck Greene, you have 72 hours to save your infected daughter, clear your name and survive the hordes of hungry zombies before the military comes in and nukes the city. To ensure your survival, you can combine everyday objects to create numerous deadly combo weapons and slaughter the ravenous zombies. Dead Rising 2, it’s where Creativity Kills.Key FeaturesSequel to the critically acclaimed and 1 million+ selling Dead Rising: Dead Rising 2 is bigger and better in every way, adding new custom combo weapons, multiplayer and thousands of zombies on-screen at once!Thousands of Zombies On Screen: The undead are everywhere creating a dynamic and challenging zombie-killing experience for the player as weapons will be created to kill massive amounts of zombies at one time!Combo Weapons: Players can combine two everyday items using duct tape to create the ultimate zombie killing creations such as the Portamower and Paddlesaw. Unlocking combo cards along the way will give players the advantage as the helpful cards will show you what items are best for combining.New Storyline and Characters: A new protagonist, Chuck Greene, must save his infected daughter, clear his name, and survive 72 hours in Fortune City.2-Player Co-Op: Online co-op play is introduced to the Dead Rising universe for the first time as players can invite their friends to partner up with them at any time to take on the zombie massacre- tag-team style! Killing zombies with a friend is always more fun! 4-Player Terror is Reality: 4 players compete in a gladiator type TV show named Terror Is Reality that pits zombies against a group of players in the ultimate Vs. multiplayer blood bath